Jane Walsh

mirror obsession

The growing volumes of images we see on a daily basis of beautifully curated lives of “real” people wearing the latest trend, living the perfect life is feeding our need for newer, bigger and better things. We have become accustomed to the “wear it once “ culture and have been heavily influenced by image aesthetics. The narcissism of today’s society already has had a significant impact on our self esteem and shopping habits. Mirror Obsession is an informative piece exposing how the influence of Instagram has influenced consumerism, consumption, narcissism and boycotting individuality and diversity. The mirror can represent how we portray ourselves in this curated digital world of wanting newer, bigger and better things, to validate our lives through likes.

Print has been one antidote to social media overload. We are still consuming images, but it feels more purposeful and slower. The experience of looking at something in print has a different dimension than looking at something on screen. It feels more permanent. It is something you are more likely to pick up over and over again. Something that contains ideas and images worth giving physical form to. Using a print based publication to contradict the use of the app aided the exploration of how we take in images on a daily basis.

contact jane

Email_ justjanewalsh@gmail.com
Web_ .com

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